Goals # 9, 10 and 11 – Take part in National Novel Writing Month, win a competition, and read War and Peace

Ever since I was four years old it has been my lifetime ambition to write a novel. However, unfortunately I have continually fallen into the pattern many writers fall into of starting a novel then losing interest, coming up with a better idea, or getting too busy halfway through, and leaving the novel unfinished.

Initially, one of my goals for this list was simply to write a novel. However, as I had many ongoing goals already for the list (such as watching the top 50 films and reading several books) I quickly realised that I would probably fall into the same trap of never finishing my novel if I spread it out over the year. So, to give me a bit more motivation to write, I decided to enter the National Novel Writing Month competition (nanowrimo) that takes place every November – something I have thought about doing for a while.

So, this November, at midnight on 31st October/1st November, I set off on my writing adventure! After much deliberation, I decided to write a young adult novel, although I had absolutely no idea what it would be about even as I started writing. I put together a very vague idea about 5 minutes before I started (and when I say very vague, I mean very) and hoped the rest would come along as I wrote. Which it sort of did (although I had to go back once I had reached the end of the novel and fill in some gaps to improve the novel and add to the word count).

Then, on 24th November, I reached the 50,000 word word count and became a nanowrimo winner and the author of my very first complete novel!! 🙂

Not only that, but I decided my completion of this goal meant that I could tick off another goal on my list. After reading about National Novel Writing Month, I noticed that it was often referred to as a competition. Also, those who complete the month with a 50,000 word novel are referred to on the site as ‘winners’. Therefore, I concluded I could quite legitimately count this as me winning a competition (after all, it required a lot more time, effort and hard work than the lucky draws I had so far been trying and failing to win!). Here is a screenshot of my National Novel Writing Month page, declaring me a winner 🙂

Nanowrimo winners' page

Wonderfully, on the same day I completed my novel, I also managed to finally finish War and Peace, three months after I began! While some parts of the novel were a difficult read and there were times I longed for it to end, all in all I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to give it a go. I thought the characters were complex and interesting and I enjoyed the plot. And I also enjoyed being able to casually read War and Peace in public, as though I read those sort of novels all the time … 🙂

Now on to the rest of the books I’m reading for my list, starting with Tristram Shandy!

Here is an update of the goals I have completed so far:

1. Start a blog

2. Learn how to play chess

3. Have a bath with candles and champagne

4. Have a 12 hour DVD-athon

5. See the sunrise 

6. Create my own ice cream flavour

7. Run a 5K in less than 30 minutes

8. Knit something

9. Take part in National Novel Writing Month

10. Win a competition

11. Read War and Peace

12. Cook a Christmas dinner

13. Go to an ice bar

14. Learn how to make candles

15. Reach my target weight

16. See the Northern Lights

17. Go to the Opera

18. See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre

19. Do a night-time sponsored walk for charity

20. Read the top 10 of the Guardian’s 100 greatest novels of all time

21. Raise £130 for charity

22. Go on a long bike ride

23. Create my own perfume

24. Visit another city by myself

25. Have a moonlit picnic

26. Do a parachute jump

27. Sponsor a child in a developing country

28. Watch 50 of the top films of all time

29. Read the Bible all the way through

30. Plan some extremely amazing 30th birthday celebrations






My search for a sunrise

It may be early days for my 30 list, but I’ve been pretty eager to tick things off and it’s been a fun week so far trying to get underway with some of my goals!

Firstly, I’ve been tackling War and Peace in the least off-putting way possible, reading 11 pages a day of this HUGE work of literature! Having done a page count, I decided if I could manage just 11 pages a day (unless it gets particularly gripping) I would be finished in 3 months. So far, so good … kind of. I’m on page 44 and already fairly lost with the huge amount of characters featuring in the novel. It’s not quite as difficult to read as I had been expecting, however, so I’m interested to see how it goes.

Alongside plodding through War and Peace, I have also been working on my goal of reading the bible all the way through by reading 4 pages each day. I have also just finishing watching the first of my 50 greatest films; the first being … Bambi! Not a film I was expecting to see on the top films of all time list, but a good’un all the same.

For anyone interested, here is my list of 50 films to watch, not in any particular order:

1. Bambi
2. Lawrence of Arabia
3. Casablanca
4. The Godfather
5. Gone With the Wind
6. Apocalypse Now
7. Roman Holiday
8. Bonnie and Clyde
9. Some Like It Hot
10. Blade Runner
11. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
12. Raiders of the Lost Ark
13. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
14. Chinatown
15. It’s a Wonderful Life
16. My Darling Clementine
17. All About Eve
18. Dr Strangelove
19. Annie Hall
20. 2001: A Space Odyssey
21. The Lady Eve
22. Star Wars
23. Letter from an Unknown Woman
24. Schindler’s List
25. It Happened One Night
26. The Third Man
27. The Philadelphia Story
28. North By Northwest
29. Amadeus
30. Rear Window
31. Rebecca
32. Singin’ In The Rain
33. E.T.
34. West Side Story
35. American Graffiti
36. Vertigo
37. Nashville
38. Shawshank Redemption
39. His Girl Friday
40. Sunset Boulevard
41. Tokyo Story
42. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
43. Back to the Future
44. Kind Hearts and Coronets
45. Network
46. The Bicycle Thieves
47. The Quiet Man
48. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
49. Lord of the Rings
50. Citizen Kane

A bit of a mixed bag … some I’m really excited to see, some not so much!

My biggest challenge so far, however, is with a goal I thought would be one of the easiest to achieve – watching the sunrise. The day after my birthday I got up bright and early (5am), ventured to a beach half an hour away and waited. And waited. And daylight came, it hit 6.30am and still there was no sun. Freezing cold and exhausted I went back home and decided to try again, today, only leaving earlier this time and choosing a different spot on the waterfront. The same thing happened.

I don’t understand how it is possible for it to be out from dark to daylight, to stand in a spot with a good view, and not to see the sun rise at all! If anyone has any hints or ideas they would be very welcome!

I have decided to try again in a few weeks’ time but I feel a bit apprehensive now about my ability to tick this off the list … However, I refuse to be beaten! 🙂