Goals # 9, 10 and 11 – Take part in National Novel Writing Month, win a competition, and read War and Peace

Ever since I was four years old it has been my lifetime ambition to write a novel. However, unfortunately I have continually fallen into the pattern many writers fall into of starting a novel then losing interest, coming up with a better idea, or getting too busy halfway through, and leaving the novel unfinished.

Initially, one of my goals for this list was simply to write a novel. However, as I had many ongoing goals already for the list (such as watching the top 50 films and reading several books) I quickly realised that I would probably fall into the same trap of never finishing my novel if I spread it out over the year. So, to give me a bit more motivation to write, I decided to enter the National Novel Writing Month competition (nanowrimo) that takes place every November – something I have thought about doing for a while.

So, this November, at midnight on 31st October/1st November, I set off on my writing adventure! After much deliberation, I decided to write a young adult novel, although I had absolutely no idea what it would be about even as I started writing. I put together a very vague idea about 5 minutes before I started (and when I say very vague, I mean very) and hoped the rest would come along as I wrote. Which it sort of did (although I had to go back once I had reached the end of the novel and fill in some gaps to improve the novel and add to the word count).

Then, on 24th November, I reached the 50,000 word word count and became a nanowrimo winner and the author of my very first complete novel!! 🙂

Not only that, but I decided my completion of this goal meant that I could tick off another goal on my list. After reading about National Novel Writing Month, I noticed that it was often referred to as a competition. Also, those who complete the month with a 50,000 word novel are referred to on the site as ‘winners’. Therefore, I concluded I could quite legitimately count this as me winning a competition (after all, it required a lot more time, effort and hard work than the lucky draws I had so far been trying and failing to win!). Here is a screenshot of my National Novel Writing Month page, declaring me a winner 🙂

Nanowrimo winners' page

Wonderfully, on the same day I completed my novel, I also managed to finally finish War and Peace, three months after I began! While some parts of the novel were a difficult read and there were times I longed for it to end, all in all I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to give it a go. I thought the characters were complex and interesting and I enjoyed the plot. And I also enjoyed being able to casually read War and Peace in public, as though I read those sort of novels all the time … 🙂

Now on to the rest of the books I’m reading for my list, starting with Tristram Shandy!

Here is an update of the goals I have completed so far:

1. Start a blog

2. Learn how to play chess

3. Have a bath with candles and champagne

4. Have a 12 hour DVD-athon

5. See the sunrise 

6. Create my own ice cream flavour

7. Run a 5K in less than 30 minutes

8. Knit something

9. Take part in National Novel Writing Month

10. Win a competition

11. Read War and Peace

12. Cook a Christmas dinner

13. Go to an ice bar

14. Learn how to make candles

15. Reach my target weight

16. See the Northern Lights

17. Go to the Opera

18. See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre

19. Do a night-time sponsored walk for charity

20. Read the top 10 of the Guardian’s 100 greatest novels of all time

21. Raise £130 for charity

22. Go on a long bike ride

23. Create my own perfume

24. Visit another city by myself

25. Have a moonlit picnic

26. Do a parachute jump

27. Sponsor a child in a developing country

28. Watch 50 of the top films of all time

29. Read the Bible all the way through

30. Plan some extremely amazing 30th birthday celebrations






Goal #3 – Have a bath with candles and champagne

Having a bath with candles and champagne is probably the simplest and most easily achievable goal on my list, however it is something I always read about and think “aah that would be lovely” but then never make time for.

I also think, for many of us, our days often pass by as a routine-filled blur, simply filling up time between the next big event, such as a birthday, holiday or Christmas. However, I think it’s good to break out of the routine once in a while and add some fun to your life by making a standard day special and making the usual unusual, so I liked the idea of having something on my list which involved treating myself or having a bit of luxury for no reason at all! And this one seemed to fit the bill.

Yesterday I ticked the third thing off my list (three things in less than two weeks yey!) by treating myself to a relaxing bath. I had actually prepared for this one over a week in advance when, as part of a birthday shopping spree, I bought myself a lovely Lush bubble bar (Rose Jam – which smells amazing) and a Marilyn hair mask. I also spent about 20 minutes in the supermarket deliberating which champagne to buy before purchasing a little bottle. And all the preparation paid off as I relaxed in my bath complete with face mask, hair mask, bubbles, candles (Yankee candles’ Vanilla Cupcake – the best smell in the world!) and a glass of champagne. Lovely!

Here’s an update on the list so far:

1. Start a blog

2. Learn how to play chess

3. Have a bath with candles and champagne

4. Watch the sunrise – I’m still trying my hardest (three attempts so far) as yet with no success!

5. Read War and Peace 143 pages read, about 800 more to go …

6. Raise £130 for charity 

7. See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre

8. Visit another city by myself 

9. Run a 5K in less than 30 minutes

10. See the Northern Lights

11. Knit something

12. Create my own ice cream flavour 

13. Create my own perfume 

14. Do a night-time sponsored walk for charity

15. Have a moonlit picnic

16. Take part in National Novel Writing Month

17. Do a parachute jump

18. Win a competition

19. Have a 12 hour DVD-athon

20. Read the Bible all the way through – 52 pages in!

21. Sponsor a child in a developing country

22. Watch 50 of the top films of all time 

23. Read the top 10 of the Guardian‘s 100 greatest novels of all time – One watched so far (Bambi)

24. Reach my target weight

25. Plan some extremely amazing 30th birthday celebrations

26. Go to the Opera

27. Go on a long bike ride

28. Cook a Christmas dinner

29. Learn how to make candles 

30. Go to an ice bar

30 things to do before I turn 30… My list. Plus, goal #1 – Start a blog

There’s nothing I enjoy more than a list. OK, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it’s fair to say I am a little bit addicted to writing (and ticking things off) lists. In fact, I recently bought a beautiful new notebook which I decided would be kept solely for the purpose of writing lists, naturally beginning the first page with a list of lists I needed to write …

Ahem, OK, I realise I have used the word ‘list’ far too much already and I am only four sentences in, so let’s move on …

So, yesterday I turned 29 and I decided I would commemorate this special occasion by embarking on a pre-turning-30 year-long project of accomplishing 30 things I have always wanted to do (and some I have only just thought of). Not only did I think this would turn the prospect of turning 30 into something far more exciting, but having recently been made redundant (boo) and being currently single, I decided I was in need of something to keep me busy, and I do love a fun project!

I have been working on my list of things I want to achieve before my 30th birthday milestone for a few weeks and am now proud to reveal the finished product (drum roll please) …

Here’s my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30:

1. Watch the sunrise – A bit cliched but this is talked about so much it felt like something I really should do at some point in my life!

2. Read War and Peace

3. Raise £130 for charity – I wanted this to tie in with the 30 theme, but £30 felt a bit of a poor attempt …

4. See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre

5. Visit another city by myself – I hate venturing anywhere by myself so thought I’d throw myself in the deep end with this one. Deep breathe … I can do this!

6. Run a 5K in less than 30 minutes – Might sound easy, but I’m quite the slow runner!

7. See the Northern Lights

8. Knit something – Yes, it’s a hobby loved by elderly ladies everywhere, but I have just jumped on the knitting bandwagon and taught myself how to knit. Unfortunately, most of my projects so far consist simply of a few lines of knitting (still on the needles) in various colours. I decided to get a bit more ambitious with my knitting and actually create something with a purpose (or at least a definite shape) of some kind, and I have actually just received an ace knitting project for my birthday which I will write about very shortly.

9. Create my own ice cream flavour – As much as I love lists, one thing I love perhaps even more is ice cream, so this is a project very close to my heart!

10. Create my own perfume – Might be fun? Might (most likely) never wear it.

11. Start a blog – Almost there!

12. Do a night-time sponsored walk for charity

13. Have a moonlit picnic – Sounds a bit lame, but I’ve always wanted to do this. Just need to find me a picnic-ing partner!

14. Take part in National Novel Writing Month – A novel in a month? No sweat! Who needs sleep anyway?

15. Have a bath with candles and champagne – I always hear of people doing this (mainly in chick lit books) and thought it sounded extravagant yet simple enough for a spot on the list. Mid-week champagne for no reason at all? Oh, go on then!

16. Do a parachute jump

17. Win a competition

18. Have a 12 hour DVD-athon – A full day of solid DVD watching in my pyjamas and nothing to feel guilty about… after all, it’s all for the good of the list!

19. Learn how to play chess

20. Read the Bible all the way through

21. Sponsor a child in a developing country

22. Watch 50 of the top films of all time – Compiled from lists of the top 100 movies by rottentomatoes.com and filmsite.org

23. Read the top 10 of the Guardian‘s 100 greatest novels of all time

24. Reach my target weight- I just want to lose a few pounds, but this sounds more dramatic.

25. Plan some extremely amazing 30th birthday celebrations (or something fun to mark the date at any rate!).

26. Go to the Opera

27. Go on a long bike ride – No specifics, but I’ve not ridden a bike in about 15 years, so it may be a challenge!

28. Cook a Christmas dinner

29. Learn how to make candles – I love candles and thought this would be a nice skill to have.

30. Go to an ice bar

So there it is, my list of 30 things to do before I’m 30, and once I click on ‘Publish’ my very first goal (well 11th on the list) will be complete!

Thanks for reading and it would be great to hear what other people would or have put on their list! 🙂

Now, I’m off to get started on some other goals… War and Peace won’t read itself (if only!).