Goals # 19, 20, 21 and 22 – Raise £130 for charity, plan some amazing 30th birthday celebrations, go to an ice bar, and go paragliding

So, I have just over one month left to complete my list (eek – one month till I turn 30!) and am not doing so badly. As of this week I have just 8 things left on my list!

This week I received a few more donations for my forthcoming sponsored walk, taking my combined fundraising efforts from that and my 5k up to £145. Yey – mission accomplished, and £145 raised for some good causes (both events raise money for cancer charities).

I also finished planning some things for my 30th birthday. Originally, I had thought about having a party, but I decided it was too much stress worrying whether people were going to turn up. So instead I booked a holiday abroad for over my birthday (I plan to have a spa day there on the actual day) and have booked a log cabin for me and some friends on the following weekend. I decided I wanted to celebrate becoming a proper grown up and hitting my 30s with one of my favourite things from my childhood – a sleepover! So we are going to head to the log cabin and celebrate with a proper 90s style sleepover, complete with girly DVDs, board games, face masks and a few cocktails!

Also this week I visited an ice bar, made entirely from ice, and drank a cocktail from an ice glass. Here’s a pic:

Ice bar

Ice bar

Finally, this week I also went paragliding! I did a tandem paraglide off a huge hill. It was hard work (climbing the hill for an hour) and I got a bit of motion sickness unfortunately while up there, but it was a good experience and I got to go up twice for 20 minutes each time (it would have been longer if I hadn’t felt so sick). Here’s a picture of me as a tiny speck in the sky :):



It’s certainly been a fun and busy week! 🙂