Goal # 13 – Go to an opera

I haven’t written for a while due to the simple reason that I’ve ground to a (hopefully temporary) halt in ticking things off my list! This is due to the fact that I can’t afford to do some of the things on it right now, some of the others are more ongoing projects, and I’m waiting for the summer to do others …

Unfortunately, now that I have got something to write about I’m having a bit of difficulty with the actual writing, due to having broken a finger on my right hand! So,  I’ll keep this short and sweet!

Going to an opera is something I’ve always sort of wanted to do (just so I can tell people that I’ve been to an opera) but I was never sure that I’d enjoy it. However, last week I finally got the opportunity to see one and headed off to see Nabucco with my mum. The music was really good, and thanks to subtitles I could actually follow what was going on – bonus! Plus, I got to eat ice cream, which makes any night more enjoyable! 🙂

While I still prefer a good old cheesy musical, a good night was had by all (well, me and my mum. I can’t really speak for the others) and I would definitely consider going again. Plus there is something about seeing an  opera that makes you feel instantly more cultured and grown up! 🙂

Must go for now and rest my hand, but hopefully back soon with another thing ticked off my list!