Goal # 8 – Knit something

I love to learn new skills and have been trying to teach myself to knit for a while, using a book I bought online and some advice from my mum. However, I always seem to find other things to do when I sit down to knit so had not really managed to master even the basic skills yet or knit anything beyond a gauge swatch.

To motivate me to get on with it, I decided to add a goal to this list to knit something – anything really, just so long as it was identifiable and served some sort of purpose (even if that was just decorative). Initially, I had a different project in mind for this, however I soon realised my skills weren’t quite up to what I had been planning just yet, so I decided to start with a basic scarf for this goal.

So last week, I learned how to cast on and some other basic skills and got to it. A few hours later I had knitted myself a scarf! Not only was I full of pride to find that I had actually created something I could use, but I enjoyed saying casually to people, “Oh yes, I knitted this the other night while I was watching a film”, which made me feel super productive!

Here’s a photo of me wearing my first ever knitted creation, which will hopefully be the first of many:

Knitted scarf

Me and my scarf 🙂

2 thoughts on “Goal # 8 – Knit something

  1. Love the scarf!
    I learned to knit in middle school but it was never cold enough to wear any. This year though, everyone in the dorm is trying to learn to crochet. The Pre-alps are def a lot colder than California! Reading your blog post is an inspiration to get back at it :p

  2. Thank you! 🙂 Glad it’s inspired you to do some more knitting! 🙂 I enjoyed making this, now looking forward to trying something else … it’s definitely cold enough in England at the moment for some knitted things!!

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